
Published on:

9th Feb 2021

Ep. 11 San Diego County Detective working robbery investigations; started his career with Seattle PD

A Detective from a San Diego County agency with 15 years in LE talks about his current role in robbery, home invasion, kidnapping and carjacking investigations. He started out with Seattle PD in 2005 and shares stories of his time there including the interesting aspects of working undercover. For the first time in this podcast, we discuss the impact of line-of-duty deaths. We also talk about the challenges of the current anti-police environment, the importance of giving people a chance to be heard in any interaction, and the impact of CA state policies on LE’s ability to protect the community. And of course, we talk about the rewards of the job and why he became a police officer.

Listed below are the line-of-duty deaths we discuss. If you can, take a minute to read their stories. There are many moving news articles about each of these incidents and the impact on those they were forced to leave behind.  To these officers and the many others not mentioned here, we thank you for your service.  Gone But Not Forgotten.

Seattle PD Officer Tim Brenton


Lakewood Police Department Officers





Seattle Police Officer Joselito Barber


Dallas Police Department Officers






San Diego PD Officer Jeremy Henwood


All booking, interviews, editing and production by Abby Ellsworth. Music courtesy freesound.org.

Show artwork for On Being a Police Officer

About the Podcast

On Being a Police Officer
An inside look at law enforcement through a civilian’s interviews.
An inside look at law enforcement through a civilian’s interviews. These are stories of police told by officers themselves. They talk frankly about what it’s like to be a cop in these tough times, what drew them to the job, and what the people they serve don’t know about the challenges of their work. It’s a view from the front lines and some very personal and emotional stories, especially about why each of these officers chose to serve. I draw on my 14 years of interviewing, filming and photographing police officers – and many ride-alongs!

About your host

Profile picture for Abby Ellsworth

Abby Ellsworth

I am a civilian interviewing law enforcement from around the country. My goal is to tell the real stories of LE, the ones that don't make the news.