
Published on:

9th Jan 2022

Ep. 25 Chief Doug Shoemaker with Colorado Junction PD and 5th VP with IACP shares his passion for the profession and his vision for the future

Ep. 25 - I am kicking off 2022 on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day with a thoughtful and forward-looking interview with Chief Doug Shoemaker with the Colorado Junction Police Department. The Chief shares his passion for the profession, his enthusiasm for its future and his focus on relationship building.

Chief Shoemaker has been in law enforcement for more than 30 years. For more than ten years, he has served on various committees and sections within the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) including as chair the association’s Police Professional Standards and Ethics Committee. In 2021, he was elected the Fifth Vice President, a role that will lead to his becoming IACP President in 2026.

We begin locally, looking at the issues facing law enforcement in his city and in Colorado, in particular, the impact of the state’s elimination of qualified immunity. We also talk about his experience working in the state capital with the Jefferson City Police Department during which time he was the incident commander for "Journey for Justice," a march held following the Ferguson protests in 2014. We discuss how this helped prepare him to lead his department during the civil unrest that occurred in response to the murder of George Floyd.

Then we branch out on a national level, examining not only the challenges facing LE, but also the effort the profession is making to change and evolve.

We also touch on the Chief’s commitment to give back to the community by understanding underlying issues specifically around the factors that lead youth to end up in the juvenile justice system and what can be done to help them. He did this research as part of his dissertation for his doctorate in Organizational Leadership.

As I do in each episode, I ask what made him choose law enforcement; we talk about his “why” and the value of reflecting back on it.

@Abby Ellsworth 2022. All booking, interviews, production and editing done by Abby Ellsworth. Contact me at abby@ellsworthproductions.com.

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About the Podcast

On Being a Police Officer
An inside look at law enforcement through a civilian’s interviews.
An inside look at law enforcement through a civilian’s interviews. These are stories of police told by officers themselves. They talk frankly about what it’s like to be a cop in these tough times, what drew them to the job, and what the people they serve don’t know about the challenges of their work. It’s a view from the front lines and some very personal and emotional stories, especially about why each of these officers chose to serve. I draw on my 14 years of interviewing, filming and photographing police officers – and many ride-alongs!

About your host

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Abby Ellsworth

I am a civilian interviewing law enforcement from around the country. My goal is to tell the real stories of LE, the ones that don't make the news.