
Published on:

5th Jun 2022

Ep. 30 WA State police reform update with Teresa Taylor, WACOPS

Ep. 30 Teresa Taylor, executive director of WACOPS, the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs, shares an update on the wide-ranging police reform legislation that went into law in Washington State in July 2021. Now almost a year later, we look at the impact of the legislation on law enforcement and the community, the revisions that have been made and why, and what still needs to be changed. We also look at some concerning new developments including legislation that would make deadly use of force justified only if the threat is “immediate” as opposed to “imminent,” a potentially dangerous distinction. And we talk about the concept of “compliant handcuffing.”

Our conversation is relevant not only to police departments in WA State, but also to law enforcement agencies around the country. It reflects the impact of the national negative narrative on policing and how it plays out in our communities, and how it impacts individual departments and officers. If you live in Washington, you’ll be pleased to know how much Teresa and WACOPS do for officers and for the community.

Teresa, like me, is a civilian. We share the goal of supporting law enforcement and helping people understand what it really means to be a police officer.  

WACOPS is recognized as the largest, oldest and most influential trade organization representing law enforcement professionals in Washington state. Here is a link to their website. 


For those who want to know more about WACOPS, please contact Teresa at TTaylor@wacops.org

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©Abby Ellsworth. All interviews, editing, production done by Abby Ellsworth. Music courtesy of freesound.org


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About the Podcast

On Being a Police Officer
An inside look at law enforcement through a civilian’s interviews.
An inside look at law enforcement through a civilian’s interviews. These are stories of police told by officers themselves. They talk frankly about what it’s like to be a cop in these tough times, what drew them to the job, and what the people they serve don’t know about the challenges of their work. It’s a view from the front lines and some very personal and emotional stories, especially about why each of these officers chose to serve. I draw on my 14 years of interviewing, filming and photographing police officers – and many ride-alongs!

About your host

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Abby Ellsworth

I am a civilian interviewing law enforcement from around the country. My goal is to tell the real stories of LE, the ones that don't make the news.